Symptom and description

When using Phase via DVS, it may happen that the calibration scope of your DJ software doesn’t display a perfect circle. You will either notice the scope is noisy (there are dots around and inside the circle, which may not be perfectly round) or that the shape is not a circle: it can be a vertical or horizontal line for instance, or not show up at all. 

Issue resolution

Not seeing a perfect circle in the scope when the  can have several causes. 

  • Your Phase may not be properly set up with your DJ equipment. In this case, you’ll see a point or a tiny line in the middle of the scope. We recommend checking your DJ equipment setup and your DJ software settings. 
  • Your RCA cable may be faulty or your Phase audio outputs may be defective. If you have properly set up your Phase but you only see a straight line, it means one channel (left or right; in other words white or red) is missing.
    Try switching RCA cables to check they are not faulty. If the problem is still there after you’ve tried new cables, check the DVS signal quality to look for a defective audio output of the Phase: plug one channel at a time (red or white) and check if the signal is played through all 4 channels, or if one of them remains silent.
  • If your Phase is properly set up with your DJ equipment and your DJ software is configured accordingly, you may not see the calibration circle because you zoomed too much into the scope. For instance in Serato, make sure the slider is all the way to the left to properly display the calibration circle. 

If you’re using Serato in DVS mode (with RCA cables), you’ll notice a small, regular pulse on the calibration scope, and a small portion of the red tracking bar will also turn grey at the same frequency: this is how we prevent Serato from switching to internal mode. This doesn’t affect the DVS signal quality. In this case, the scope will look like this: 



If you notice the issue comes from the Phase unit, get in touch with us through the contact form below. Please attach a video showing the scope after following the troubleshooting directions above, the support team will help you find a solution.

Please note that since firmware v.6, Phase can be used in HID mode, without RCA cables. In this case, the signal won't be displayed on the scopes anymore. This is a regular behavior of the Phase and Serato USB integration.
